Insect Engineering
Black soldier fly projects come in many sizes, from pilot facilities till commercial BSF plants. Below you can find some highlights from black soldier fly projects which we have realized. If you want to build your own BSF farm then feel free to contact us.
From experience we know it’s important to focus on a commercial facility which at minimum would handle about 40 tons of organic waste per day. Although a pilot step in between can be very important, a pilot facility often does 1-2 tons of organic waste per day. In the end if you will handle 10, 100 or 1000 tons of waste per day, the ZOEM system is modular based and your key technology for a successful BSF farm.

Sanergy was one of the finalists for the Earthshot Prize (https://earthshotprize.org/). They reached the top 3 in their category!
“The Earthshot Prize is the most ambitious and prestigious of its kind – designed to incentivise change and help to repair our planet over the next ten years.”
This award is being promoted by Prince William of the Royal United Kingdom family. It will be live on BBC tv and has performances of world artists (like Ed Sheeran and Coldplay). That farming of the black soldier fly is being promoted on this large stage is a fantastic achievement and ackknowledges that it is a great way to build a waste-free world.

We are pioneers in this industry and the first in the world to process residual organic waste from the aquaculture industry and transform it into insect-based products.
Our industrial plant located in Calbuco, Los Lagos region, is in its testing period and will have the capacity to produce more than 1,200 tons of insect flour and over 500 tons of insect oil per year.

Regen Organics
Regen Organics is team with deep subject matter expertise, intrinsic curiosity and optimism, global experience and, above all, a relentless commitment to transform agriculture, cities, and communities through circular economy approaches.
Regen Organics decarbonizes the production of food, feed, and fuel by locally manufacturing regenerative products. Our services enrich farmers, strengthen food systems, and protect our planet.

Resource, United Kingdom
A pilot facility was delivered in October 2021. The pilot initiated the green light to go for a commercial facility. In September 2023 the company was taken over to be integrated into a new BSF strategy for a larger retailer.
Circa Biotech, Abu Dhabi
First BSF Facility in the Middle East: This pioneering BSF farming facility is designed to gain experience and demonstrate the significant added value of BSF farming in the Middle East region. The project includes our advanced crate filling and emptying equipment, which can seamlessly integrate into breeding operations. For future commercial-scale production, the facility is designed to transition to the innovative ZOEM system for enhanced efficiency and scalability.
BSF Pilot Facility Project: This pilot facility is being developed to include advanced features such as waste treatment systems and the production of BSF meal and oil. Designed for efficient BSF farming, this project is currently under construction. Stay tuned for more details.
Tesco, United Kingdom
This turnkey project includes the delivery of 9 state-of-the-art production rooms, 2 advanced breeding rooms, an integrated climate control system, the innovative ZOEM system, and a high-capacity sieving line. The project, designed for optimal efficiency and scalability in Black Soldier Fly farming, is currently under construction.